Hair removal treatments can be quite a sensitive topic for many ladies, but definitely not for me. I’m always very open when it comes to the different types of treatments I do so nothing goes underneath the rug, hidden.
Why I Chose IPL Hair Removal?
For about a while now, I have been feeling uncomfortable with the hair growth at my bikini area but was hesitant to resort to IPL Hair Removal treatments because I was afraid of pain. I’m already undergoing laser treatments for my face and it stings so I really can’t imagine how it will be like down under. It was not until I read up on EstheClinic’s Silky Smooth IPL Hair Removal Treatment did I realise that IPL for the bikini area can be really comfortable and painless! I decided to give it a go.
Prior to this review, I have already went through 3 sessions (6 weeks apart from each other starting from May 2017) and I only wanted to express my thoughts now as I was told that 3 sessions is the optimal time where hair growth really slows down. I won’t be showing detailed pictures (obviously I can’t) because it’s the bikini area, but I have tried to record and keep track of the duration of hair growth to provide a thorough review of the Silky Smooth IPL Hair Removal Treatment.
About The Treatment
The Silky Smooth IPL Hair Removal Treatment is said to painlessly and effectively eradicate unwanted hair follicles and prevent their regrowth using a cutting edge patented technology. Indeed, it is painless and there is no numbing cream needed! It is also twice as fast as traditional IPL systems and is clinically proven to remove 80-90% of hair in 6 – 10 sessions.
The Technology
This technology is none other than the MacPeel’s No Pain System (NPS) that combines high average power, low fluency, and a high repetition rate. If you didn’t understand what that meant, in simple terms, it just means the IPL light pulses that are being shot on your skin is of high power but the energy transmitted per surface unit is lower though repeated more frequently, and this is to prevent side effects on the skin surface. If fluency is high, IPL can be quite destructive to the skin.
What NPS actually does is that it raises the heat of the inner skin layer (dermis) to the temperature needed to effectively damage the hair follicle, while not injuring the surrounding tissue. This in turns prevent the hair follicle to regrow, while keeping the surrounding cells intact. If you’re no stranger to IPL, you will know that many IPL treatments assess your skin tone before deciding what kind of power they will be going with and that’s because those with high melanin count (darker skin) may experience hyperpigmentation with overstimulation of melanin via the regular IPL technology in the market. With MacPeel’s NPS, no trauma will be inflicted to the skin so it’s definitely safe for dark/tan skin tones.

Unlike the static nature of the traditional IPL system, which delivers intense pulsed light in one sudden zap, the EstheClinic NPS IPL treatment is dynamic and uses hand pieces that are constantly swept across the skin to cover a larger surface area within a shorter amount of time.
The Process
The two hand pieces, one shaped like a small rectangle on the “zapping” head, the other in a tiny square, helps to effectively reach out to smaller areas at your delicate down-under. With the type of light pulses, you won’t be feeling pain at all. All you’ll feel is the coldness of the cooling gel applied onto the treatment area, followed by warm pulses of heat. What the treatment does is to raise the temperature of the hair follicle by stacking the IPL pulses, so you’ll notice that your therapist will be going back and forth the same area a few times before she moves on to the next. For maximum comfort, this technology also includes an integrated contact cooling system so that you will feel minimal while the treatment is ongoing.

The Results
After 3 sessions, I realised that hair growth has been stunted significantly. It doesn’t really grow after I shave for about a little more than a week. Usually, my hair grows out in 2 days which is pretty annoying. Those short stubby hairs can really irritate and cause itch. With the Silky Smooth IPL Hair Removal Treatment, I can quit worrying about forgetting to shave before I go for my beach vacation! It’s so silky smooth indeed~ *winks*

Oh and prior to the treatment, the therapists will request that you shave 2 days before the treatment. My first reaction was, “How do I do that?”. Apparently, I was told to place a mirror in front of you while you’re squatting. Then, use a regular shaver to gently remove the hair. It actually works! Why didn’t I think of this earlier? Teehee!

Anyway, the duration of treatment depends on the area covered. For underarms, it takes about 5-10 minutes while the bikini area about 15-20 minutes, and lower legs about 20-30 minutes. The services include hair removal for:
- Under/Half/Full Arms,
- Lower/Upper/Full Legs
- Bikini Line
- Extended/Brazilian/Full Bikini and O-line (area behind the bikini line)

The EstheClinic Silky Smooth IPL Hair Removal Treatment per session starts from SGD48 for underarms to SGD419 for full legs. For optimum results, EstheClinic recommends 4-10 sessions, with each being 6 weeks apart. Number of sessions vary depending on the targeted areas.
Create yourself and be gorgeous!
XOXO, Roanna.
Disclaimer: The sessions were c/o EstheClinic. The above review is based on my true and honest opinion and experience, without influence from others or the brand. It contains information from the brand.